Designing diverse teams – UXPA International 2023
Date: 20-23 June 2023
Where: Marriott Downtown, Austin, Texas, USA
Speaker: Dan Healy, Head of User-Centred Design
About the session
Designing Diverse Teams – 22 June, 11am
Who would’ve thought that a global pandemic would have been the catalyst for designing and growing more diverse teams?
In this talk, Dan will share how he managed to design and grow a highly talented and diverse design team in the midst of a global pandemic. Including tools and techniques for diverse and inclusive recruitment, empathetic management and leadership.
About the event
User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) International supports people who research, design, and evaluate the user experience (UX) of products and services.
Founded in 1991, UXPA serves a community of 2,400 members worldwide. We promote UX concepts and techniques through our annual international conference, publish new UX findings through both the Journal of User Experience (JUS) and User Experience Magazine, and have 59 local chapters based in 30 countries around the world.
About the speaker
He’s been solving problems through design since 2000. He’s designed, tested, built, delivered, and managed websites, intranets, software, apps, and information systems for some of the UK’s biggest names, including Sophos, Nationwide Building Society, Lloyds Banking Group, Scottish and Southern Energy, the UK space sector, and the UK government.
These days, Dan’s job is all about designing, growing, mentoring, and managing the best user-centred design teams.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.