Zaizi’s Latest Web Talks

Improve security and control with ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana)

October 10th 2016

In a production environment, data continuously flows into our system (Alfresco) from different servers, but with the time it can get larger and larger. As the data grows larger, our analytics will slow up, resulting in sluggish insights. So, are you wasting lot of time and effort on retrieving and analysing valuable business insights from your logs?

Our solution – ELK Stack (collection of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) is a log analytics platform which resolves these problems. In a nutshell, Logstash collects and parses logs, then Elasticsearch indexes and stores the information. Kibana then presents the data in visualisations that provide actionable insights into one’s environment.

Add An Extra Security Layer To Protect Your Content

September 21st 2016

Have you ever wondered why your sensitive information should stay locked behind a simple username and password combination? Nowadays, we have several instances where our personal or official information is misused as a result of basic username and password authentication vulnerabilities. This is the common threat faced by all of us!

Our solution provides extra layer of security, two factor authentication and reCAPTCHA to effectively protect your content from other security breaches. Verification with two factor authentication requires two independent factors to be provided for authentication. Also reCAPTCHA helps to protect your content from external threats while letting reap people pass through with ease.

Distributed Testing And Test Reporting With Selenium

December 17th 2015

A quick guide on how to use Selenium with details on how to create html reports (with latest plug-in)  for test execution results for both technical and non technical people. The highlight of this talk is our introduction to Selenium Grid which permits to run Selenium test cases on various operating systems and browsers from a specific hub. 

On this session we will also show a demonstration on the different internet browsers used commonly for most organisations.

Five signs you need a transformation healthcheck

August 18th 2015

Low costs, accessibility and streamlining are the new realities that organisations have to deliver.

To this end, many have embarked on digital transformation projects. However, the impact and success of such initiatives varies wildly. Here are five signs that things are perhaps not going as they could.

In this webinar you will find out:

NEW Alfresco Reporting and Analytics with Alfresco 5

July  9th 2015

You may have seen the recent Alfresco press release announcing the availability of Alfresco Analytics for Alfresco One. We present in this month’s web talk some of the great new custom and pre-built reports that you can build to your Alfresco share dashboards, using easy drag and drop functionalities.

Get greater insight into how your organisation deals with their content with reports that manage governance, risk, and compliance. Join us for this 10-minute demo to learn how.

Extended Security for Alfresco

May 28th 2015

The growth in mobile technologies, the consumerisation of IT and the rise of cloud computing are constantly creating additional security challenges. Never before has the need to equip users with a secure, easy way to share and collaborate been so important. With content security and data privacy high on the agenda for most organisations, how can they enable their employees to use newer tools and systems, but yet meet the security and compliance requirements of highly regulated sectors?

We’re excited to provide enhanced security levels that can be applied to users, folders and documents to control who and what can access your organisations highly sensitive content, fully adaptable to specific business security requirements.

8 Analytics Reports you really need for Alfresco

April 30th 2015

Are you asking yourself these questions…

Find the answers to these questions with reports that manage governance, risk, and compliance with Zaizi’s Reporting Module. These reports will allow you to get greater insight into how your organisation deals with their content in just a few clicks.

Watch this 10 minute web talk where we will demonstrate these exciting features.

Collaborative Editing with Google Docs and Alfresco

March 24th 2015

Alfresco out of the box google docs integration only allows the owner to edit the document. Share option is disabled for security reasons, however users might still have the need of sharing their documents.

Join us for this quick ten minute web talk where we will demonstrate how users can share a document with another Alfresco user or even an external user directly from Alfresco-Google docs editor.

Speeding Up Alfresco and Share using Nginx Reverse/Caching Frontend Proxy

December 16th 2014

Installing Alfresco is just a piece in the puzzle of the whole architecture. The ability to scale Alfresco and integrate it with other applications for improving performance is key in current production systems, which need to attend to a vast number of user requests. Learn the benefits of putting a NginX server on top of Alfresco. In this 10 minute technical web talk you will learn: 

1) What is a process based Server and an event based Server with Examples (Apache and Nginx) 

2) Hardware Resources Comparisons needed for Apache and Nginx 

3) Caching Ability of Nginx over Apache 

4) Performance and Speed comparison of Nginx over Apache 

5) Key Features of Nginx which is needed for Alfresco 

6) Summarizing Nginx Proxy and Caching Configurations for Alfresco 

7) Troubleshooting Alfresco / Nginx caching issues

Alfresco and Open Data through Open Standards

November 20th 2014

Open data is the idea that certain data should be freely available for everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyrights, patents or other mechanisms of control. Probably the most common Alfresco use case is driven by organisations wanting to be able to manage their documents from an internal point of view, where security is key.  But there are other use cases like with Universities & some Government departments where sharing information and knowledge is just as important as how you store and manage it.

Learn in this months web talk how Alfresco can provide these capabilities under extended standards and how Zaizi has taken care of these use cases.

Alfresco Content Recommendation

October 16th 2014

Enterprise Content Management systems such as Alfresco provide great features to organise your content. For example, Alfresco provides aspects, categories and tagging to organise documents.  

However to organise your documents, the end user has to “manually” add the relevant tags or assign the correct category. This is where machine learning comes in to play. Machine learning learns the data, and in our case, content.  This can be applied to organise, find and analyse large volume of content much more effectively and automatically provide relevant, personalised recommendations.

Join Zaizi on this quick 10 minute web talk to learn just how this can be done for any organisation.

External Collaboration (Enterprise to enterprise sync)

September 4th 2014

Alfresco in the cloud allows you to securely share documents and files with people outside an organisation, without allowing public access to its on premise Alfresco instance. But not all organisations can, by law or by choice, store their documents outside their country jurisdiction, or give up full control over hosting and security policies. 

For those who cannot take advantage of Alfresco in the cloud, it is entirely possible to customise an Alfresco on premise instance to synchronise to another one, which then will effectively act as a private cloud. 

Watch this quick demonstration to learn how to:

– Securely engage and collaborate with external stakeholders, while retaining full control of the system.

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